Preparing the Workforce to Implement SBIRT through Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation
Suicide Prevention Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation
Beyond the SBIRT-SC model, we launched a new suicide prevention suite of services to provide training, technical assistance, and evaluation for medical and behavioral health providers, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, employers, community-based organizations, states, and localities. Below is a list of the services we provide:
SBIRT-Suicide Care is an integrated SBIRT training that incorporates suicide risk screening, safety planning, and structured follow up and monitoring into the model.
Suicide Risk Screening: This training provides instruction on standardized, validated screening tools that identify suicide risk among both adults and adolescents.
Safety Planning & Follow Up: This training provides instruction on how to create an individualized safety plan for individuals at risk of suicide and how to engage in structured follow up and monitoring.
Postvention: This training provides instruction to communities and health care settings on how to prepare for and respond to a loss by suicide with the ultimate goal of effectively managing grief and preventing future suicides. Separate trainings are available for communities and health care settings.
Using Data to Inform Your Approach to Suicide Prevention: This training highlights several online databases that contain suicide and self-injury data and describes how data can be used to guide and inform suicide prevention efforts.
QPR, or Question, Persuade, and Refer, is a 60–90-minute training on the warning signs of suicide and how to question, persuade, and refer someone for help.
ASIST, or Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, is a two-day workshop with instruction on how to deliver a skilled intervention and develop a safety plan.
Mental Health First Aid covers a wide variety of behavioral health topics including substance use, depression, anxiety, and steps to take when someone is suicidal. This course was designed to help laypeople recognize signs of mental distress and when and how to refer individuals for help. Adult and teen versions of this training are available. -
Sources of Strength trains peer leaders and adult advisors to change the climate of schools and encourage help-seeking and student-adult communication around mental health and suicide.
Suicide Prevention for School Staff: This training provides suicide prevention strategies for school staff, such as teachers, parents, and administrators, as well as information on how to recognize and respond to warning signs of suicide and resources for supporting students.
Technical Assistance
Integrating suicide risk screening and intervention into the SBIRT model
Training and implementation of suicide care in clinical settings
Needs assessments
Comprehensive approach to suicide prevention
Upstream and downstream approaches
School-based suicide prevention
Federal and private foundation grant evaluation
Evaluation plan development
Review and enhancements of existing evaluation procedures
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation