Preparing the Workforce to Implement SBIRT through Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation
Download the Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum
Thank you for your interest in the Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum! See below for download options.
Adolescent SBIRT Learner's Guide
A 300+ page comprehensive manual for educators and trainers, practitioners, and students to learn to conduct SBIRT with adolescents and young adults. Beyond five newly updated modules, the Appendix contains dozens of screening tools, pocket cards, practice exercises, and other key resources. More
Adolescent SBIRT Trainer's Guide
Designed to assist in the dissemination of an adolescent SBIRT training by providing trainers and educators with minute-by-minute instructions for delivering training using the Adolescent SBIRT Slide Deck and the Adolescent SBIRT Learner’s Guide.
Adolescent SBIRT Slide Deck
600+ beautifully designed presentation slides that mirror the Adolescent SBIRT Learner’s Guide content, with trainer notes and audience engagement activities built-in for each module. More
What is SBIRT for Youth and Why Use It?
Brief Intervention
Motivational Interviewing Strategies
Referral to Treatment and Follow-up
Want more information on how to utilize the Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum and/or assistance customizing it to meet your educational and training needs? Please contact us!