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CHECK Foster Care Project Resources

Helping the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) train staff at the Comprehensive Health Evaluations for Cincinnati’s Kids (CHECK) Foster Care Center to screen and intervene with youth in foster care around their substance use.

NORC Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum

Other NORC Webinars

Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum Instructor’s Toolkit

Access the entire skills-based Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum, which includes:

  • 300+ page Learner’s Guide and companion slide decks

  • Trainer’s Guide for virtual or in-person instruction

  • four-part on demand educational series Using SBIRT to Talk to Adolescents about Substance Use

  • state-of-the-art SBI with Adolescents and SBI with Adolescents: Comorbid Substance Use and Mental Health online simulation training programs


Kognito Online Simulation Training

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SBI with Adolescents

​NORC and Kognito’s SBI with Adolescents is a conversation simulation designed to prepare health professionals to screen young patients for substance use, conduct brief interventions using evidence-based principles of motivational interviewing, and, when necessary, refer patients to further support. This simulation helps practitioners learn basic facts about adolescent substance use, as well as techniques to screen patients and conduct brief interventions to drive positive change in health behaviors. Learn more

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SBI with Adolescents: Comorbid Substance Use and Mental Health

​NORC and Kognito have released a new simulation! SBI with Adolescents: Comorbid Substance Use and Mental Health is a conversation simulation designed to prepare health professionals to identify and support adolescents at risk for multiple behavioral health issues, including substance use, depression, and suicidal ideation. Learn more

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Resources for Providers & Staff
Substance Use
Tobacco & Vaping
Motivational Interviewing & Stages of Change
Worksheets to Enhance Brief Intervention
Trauma Informed Care
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)
Role Plays and SBIRT Practice
SBIRT Pocket Cards
Demonstration Videos
  • SBIRT Oregon demo videos – Offer strong examples of SBIRT in practice.

    • See Erin BI demo video - Erin is a 16-year-old patient who drinks alcohol and receives a brief intervention after completing the CRAFFT screening tool (telehealth visit).

    • See Natasha BI demo video - Natasha is a high school student who vapes cannabis and receives a brief intervention after completing the CRAFFT screening tool.

  • Adolescent SBIRT Brief Intervention & Follow Up demo video (SBIRT in Colorado, Peer Assistance Services, Inc., 2020) - This video demonstrates a nurse delivering a brief intervention to a 15-year-old adolescent who drinks alcohol and uses marijuana and completed the CRAFFT 2.1+N screening tool. This video also highlights the Contract for Life, a tool that can be used to address riding risk, as well as the importance of conducting multiple brief interventions to enhance readiness to change.

  • The Effective School Counselor with a High-Risk Teen: Motivational Interviewing demo video (University of Florida Institute for Child health Policy & Cherokee National Behavioral Health)

  • Boston University’s BNI-ART Institute demo videos

Resources for Youth
Tobacco & Vaping Cessation Support Services & Resources
Resources for Caregivers
Fact Sheets for Adolescent Patients
SBIRT Fidelity Check Activities
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